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Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

Course taught at Faculty of Computer Science of Higher School of Economics

Lecture 12

Memory-Mapped I/O (MMIO)


Slides (PDF, PPTX).




  1. Input a floating-point number, round it to one digit to the left of decimal point (e.g. 3.5) and display it in the Digital Sim Lab display. Use digit_lab1.s as a starting program.


Solve the following tasks:

  1. Modify the digit_lab2.s program to display keys pressed in the hexadecimal keyword in the digital display (as decimal values, e.g. F == 15). Use the workshop task as a basis.

  2. Write a program (based on digit_lab2.s) that inputs an integer value X (with the ReadInt system call) and then uses Digital Sim Lab to enter 32-bit integers (8 hexadecimal digits) Y. It repeats entering integers until the entered Y is not equal to X. Then it prints FOUND and exits. If Y equals 0 the program must print STOPPED and exit.

  3. Write a program that draws a square with size 64×64 dots in the middle of Bitmap Display (see the Tools menu of RARS) with size 128×128 dots. The color and the thickness of lines in dots is specified by the user (use the ReadInt system call). See bitmap_display.s as an example.

  4. Bonus task (2 bonus points). EightSectors

Commit the programs to your private GitHub account. Place them into the folder ca/lab08.
