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Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

Course taught at Faculty of Computer Science of Higher School of Economics

Lecture 10

Users, groups, and permissions.


Slides (PDF, PPTX).



Use the local Ubuntu VM (Cloud does not allow creating new account and groups - only admins can do this).

  1. Study documentation on system utilities for managing users and their permissions:
  2. Create a new user and group:
    • switch to the root mode: su (type the password acos2020);
    • create a new user: root@acos-vm:/home/acos# useradd -m myuser;
    • set a password for this user: root@acos-vm:/home/acos# passwd myuser;
    • add a new group: root@acos-vm:/home/acos# groupadd mygroup;
    • see the user and the group added in configuration files:
      root@acos-vm:/home/acos# cat /etc/passwd | grep myuser
      root@acos-vm:/home/acos# cat /etc/group | grep mygroup
    • switch to the new user:;
    • check the current user ID: whoami.
  3. Add the user to the group:
    • add myuser to mygroup:
      root@acos-vm:/home/acos# usermod -a -G mygroup myuser
    • see that the user is added to the group:
      root@acos-vm:/home/acos# cat /etc/group | grep mygroup
    • add myuser to acos:
      root@acos-vm:/home/acos# usermod -a -G acos  myuser
    • see that the user is added to the group:
      root@acos-vm:/home/acos# cat /etc/group | grep acos
  4. Create a folder for experiments:
    • create folder Lab_10:
      acos@acos-vm:~$ mkdir Lab_10
  5. Create files for experiments with ownership:
    • create folder files:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ mkdir files
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ cd files/
    • create a file under user acos and see its ownership and permissions:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ echo -e '#!/bin/sh\necho "ACOS"' > acosfile
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ ls -li
      total 4
      794688 -rw-rw-r-- 1 acos acos 10 июн  3 01:01 acosfile
    • switch to myuser, create a file, and see its ownership and permissions:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ su myuser
      $ pwd
      $ echo -e '#!/bin/sh\necho "MYFILE"' > myuserfile        
      $ ls -li
      total 8
      794688 -rw-rw-r-- 1 acos   acos   10 июн  3 01:01 acosfile
      794689 -rw-rw-r-- 1 myuser myuser 12 июн  3 01:04 myuserfile
  6. Make experiments with permissions:
    • switch back to acos:
      $ exit
    • try to execute acosfile:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ ./acosfile
      -bash: ./acosfile: Permission denied
    • assign the execute permission to acosfile for user acos and execute it:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ chmod u+x acosfile   
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ ./acosfile 
    • switch to myuser and try to execute acosfile:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ su myuser
      $ ./acosfile    
      sh: 1: ./acosfile: Permission denied
    • switch back to acos, add the execute permissionto the group, switch to myuser, and execute acosfile:
      $ exit
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ chmod g+x acosfile 
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ su myuser
      $ ./acosfile    
  7. Make experiments with ownership:
    • give the execute permission for myuserfile to myuser:
      $ chmod u+x myuserfile 
    • switch back to acos:
      $ exit
    • try to execute myuserfile:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ ./myuserfile
      -bash: ./myuserfile: Permission denied
    • change ownership of myuserfile to acos and execute it:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ sudo chown acos myuserfile
      [sudo] password for acos: 
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/files$ ./myuserfile 
  8. Make experiments with setuid/setguid permissions:
    • create folder setuid:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ mkdir setuid
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ cd setuid/
    • write program hello.c that prints text to file hello.txt:
      #include <sys/stat.h>
      #include <fcntl.h>
      #include <unistd.h>
      int main() {
          char hello[] = "Hello, World!";
          int fd = open("hello.txt", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
          write(fd, hello, sizeof(hello));
    • compile and run it under acos and see the result:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ gcc hello.c -o hello
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ ./hello 
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ ls -li
      total 28
      786637 -rwxrwxr-x 1 acos acos 16832 июн  8 10:53 hello
      792456 -rw-rw-r-- 1 acos acos   236 июн  8 10:53 hello.c
      787959 -rw------- 1 acos acos    14 июн  8 10:53 hello.txt   

      The owner of the created file is acos, the group is acos.

    • remove the file:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ rm hello.txt
    • switch to myuser, run the program, and see the results.
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ su myuser
      $ ./hello
      $ ls -li
      total 28
      786637 -rwxrwxr-x 1 acos   acos   16832 июн  8 10:53 hello
      792456 -rw-rw-r-- 1 acos   acos     236 июн  8 10:53 hello.c
      786453 -rw------- 1 myuser myuser    14 июн  8 11:02 hello.txt

      The owner of the created file is myuser, the group is myuser.

    • remove the file
    • switch to acos, give the setgid permission to hello, run it under myuser, and see the results:
      $ exit
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ chmod g+s hello
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ su myuser
      $ ./hello
      $ ls -li
      total 28
      786637 -rwxrwsr-x 1 acos   acos 16832 июн  8 10:53 hello
      792456 -rw-rw-r-- 1 acos   acos   236 июн  8 10:53 hello.c
      786453 -rw------- 1 myuser acos    14 июн  8 11:08 hello.txt

      The owner of the created file is myuser, the group is acos.

    • remove the file
    • switch to acos, give the setuid permission to hello, run it under myuser, and see the results:
      $ exit
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ chmod u+s hello
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/setuid$ su myuser
      $ ./hello
      $ ls -li
      total 28
      786637 -rwsrwsr-x 1 acos acos 16832 июн  8 10:53 hello
      792456 -rw-rw-r-- 1 acos acos   236 июн  8 10:53 hello.c
      786453 -rw------- 1 acos acos    14 июн  8 11:15 hello.txt

      The owner of the created file is acos, the group is acos.

  9. Make experiments with directory permissions:
    • create folder dir with two files file1.txt and file2.txt and see its permissions:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ mkdir dir
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ cd dir/
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/dir$ nano file1.txt
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/dir$ nano file2.txt
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/dir$ cd ..
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ ls -li -d dir/
      786494 drwxrwxr-x 2 acos acos 4096 июн  8 11:21 dir/
    • take the execute permission from the directory and try to access its files:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ chmod a-x dir/
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ ls dir/
      ls: cannot access 'dir/file2.txt': Permission denied
      ls: cannot access 'dir/file1.txt': Permission denied
      file1.txt  file2.txt
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ cat dir/file1.txt 
      cat: dir/file1.txt: Permission denied
    • return the execute permission, take the read permission, and try to access files:
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ chmod a-r+x dir/
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ ls dir/
      ls: cannot open directory 'dir/': Permission denied
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ cat dir/file1.txt 
  10. Make experiments with hard and soft links:
    • create folder Lab_10/links;
    • create files;
    • create hard and soft links;
    • see their properties;
    • modify the files;
    • delete links.
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ mkdir links
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10$ cd links/
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/links$ nano myfile.txt
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/links$ ln myfile.txt hardlink
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/links$ ln myfile.txt -s softlink
      acos@acos-vm:~/Lab_10/links$ ls -li
      total 8
      794685 -rw-rw-r-- 2 acos acos  5 июн  3 00:51 hardlink
      794685 -rw-rw-r-- 2 acos acos  5 июн  3 00:51 myfile.txt
      793985 lrwxrwxrwx 1 acos acos 10 июн  3 00:52 softlink -> myfile.txt

