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Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

Course taught at Faculty of Computer Science of Higher School of Economics

Linux Utility Programs and Bash

Unix-based systems (such as Linux and MacOS) provide utility programs to perform various systems tasks. These utilities are via command-line interface. Bash is command-line processor and language used to execute these command. Bash is supported in Linux and MacOS. In Windows, a partial support is implemented in Git Bash. Also, come of the commands are implemented in Terminal of JetBrains IDEs (PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, etc.).

Main Bash commands

  1. man - prints documentation on other commands
  2. pwd - prints current working directory
  3. ls - prints directory contents
  4. cd - changes current directory
  5. mkdir - creates a new directory
  6. file - determines file type
  7. echo - prints messages to the standard output
  8. cp - copies files and folders
  9. mv - renames or moves files or folders
  10. rm - deletes files or folders
  11. su - run a command with substitute user (e.g. root)
  12. exit - causes Bash to exit
  13. uname - print system information
  14. which - locate a command

Installing additional programs in Linux Ubuntu

   acos@acos-vm:~$ su
   root@acos-vm:/home/acos# apt install mc
   root@acos-vm:/home/acos# exit

Creating, editing and viewing source code:

  1. cat - concatnates and prints text files
  2. head - outputs the first part of files
  3. tail - outputs the last part of files
  4. nano - simple console code editor
  5. mcedit - mcedit simple editor from Midnight Commander
  6. vim - Vi IMproved, a programmer’s text editor

Compiling and running programs in C

  1. Use the following commands (work in MacOS too).


    gcc hello.c -o hello.c



Getting information on CPU configuration

Using utility lscpu:


Viewing virtual file /proc/cpuinfo:

  less /proc/cpuinfo