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Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

Course taught at Faculty of Computer Science of Higher School of Economics

Grading System

General Advice

Overall Formula

There are 2 modules \(M_i\) (scored in the same way) and final exam \(E\), which have an equal weight.

\[G = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^2M_i+E}{3}\]

If the final grade \(G\) is unsatisfactory, the exam can be retaken.

On the first retake the cumulative course grade \(M_i\) is taken into consideration. On the second retake the cumulative course grade \(M_i\) is not taken into account. A student who receives a positive mark on the second retake receives 4 points for the discipline.

If the second retake is unsuccessful, the decision about the final grade is done by the commission of faculty members, who will hold the final exam (the third retake, commission).

Module Formula

Each module score is calculated from Regular and Bonus points:

\[M_i = min(10, R_i + B_i)\]

Regular Points: 10 points

\[R_i = \frac{45}{100}\cdot H + \frac{10}{100}\cdot Q + \frac{10}{100}\cdot P + \frac{35}{100}\cdot F\]
Variable Score Description
\(H\) 45% Homework (practical tasks). There are deadlines. Delays cause penalties: 25% for each week of delay. 100% penalty for cheating.
\(Q\) 10% Quizzes for self-checking.
\(P\) 10% Class presence. You need to attend more than 3/4 of classes to earn this point.
\(F\) 35% Final test (programming assignment). 100% penalty for cheating.

Bonus Points: 2 points

\[B_i = 2\cdot \frac{\sum_k A_k}{100}\]
Variable Score Description
\(A_k\) 5% each Class activity. Each time you broadcast a solution of a task during class hours, you get this point.

Exam Format

The description of the exam format and exam grading rules is here.


Module and exam scores are rounded to hundredths (the precision is 0.01).

Automatic Grades

Students, who have attended > 75% of classes in both modules, can get an automatic grade. The formula is the following:

\[G = \frac{M_3 + M_4}{2} - 1\]